⟅ About ⟆ Leon van Kammen micro devtrepeneur / web integration ninja from Europe

OpenSource SelfSustainable webservices like cmd.io

Hi! In this post I'm discussing the emergence of ...

Keeping Social Innovation Real (selfaccelerating social innovation accelerator vol4)

Hi! In this ramble I will share my thoughts on, how the corporate- and social innovation-world could be shaped, using softwareworld-practices. I tried to answer the question: "How to design an selfaccelerating SI co-creat...

Social Innovation licenses to accelerate trust (selfaccelerating social innovation accelerator vol3)

Hi! In this ramble I will share my thoughts on, how the corporate- and social innovation-world could be shaped, using softwareworld-practices. I tried to answer the question: "How to design an selfaccelerating SI co-creat...

Healthy & Recyclable Social Innovation (selfaccelerating social innovation accelerator vol2)

Hi! In this ramble I will share my thoughts on, how the corporate- and social innovation-world could be shaped, using softwareworld-practices. I tried to answer the question: "How to design an selfaccelerating SI co-creat...