⟅ About ⟆ Leon van Kammen micro devtrepeneur / web integration ninja from Europe

Selfaccelerating social innovation like a fractal (selfaccelerating social innovation accelerator vol1)

Hi! In this ramble I will share my thoughts on, how the corporate- and social innovation-world could be shaped, using softwareworld-practices. I tried to answer the question: "How to design an selfaccelerating SI co-creation accelerator, like a fractal", without having in-depth knowledge about SI at all :)


The above illustrated cyclic flow (or parts of it) could happen thru human interaction and/or software. Therefore, a house with people could also simply represent a database.

Example: the software world

The above is not fantasy, it is actually how the current software world works already. A beautiful way to allow hobbyists and corporate world to sculpt & share tools.

When SI accelerators would use the cyclic models, everybody would win. Both business and non-business-world would benefit from good SIC’s.

But computers are cool..

Yes, sometimes.

As the volume of SIC’s grows, software could be needed at some point to search- and link SIC’s to eachother. And if you do, you want the data to be online, and accessible by other accelerators using an RESTAPI or similar protocol.

An SI accelerator accelerator

An SI accelerator ideally should accelerate itself. Therefore, its output should flow back into its input. This would prevent the yet-another-social-innovative-concept (YASIC) syndrome. The YASIC syndrome is a great way to waste money, time and resources. The YASIC syndrome happens because of the following reasons:

how to keep SI accelerators healthy

Click here to view vol #2

Inspired by

This article has been greatly inspired by talks with the wonderful people of:

Credits: Arjan Biemans, Erna Bosschart, Bonno Pel, Kaat Peters, Liisa Joutsenjarvi, Christoph Grud, Ivan Kepecs, Oscar Racke, Anne Paavolainen, Peter Wolkowinski, Jonas Bylund, Peter van de Glind, and probably a lot of people I forgot.

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